Surprise Handdrawn

1 untitled by Junk / Black Maiden 35 pts
2 untitled by Deload / Guilty of Design 27 pts
3 untitled by Savage Cow / CIA 23 pts
4 untitled by JAR / Guilty of Design 19 pts
5 untitled by unsigned #3 13 pts
6 untitled by unsigned #6 12 pts
7 untitled by Raechengah / Black Maiden 11 pts
8 untitled by unsigned #12 8 pts
9 untitled by Kyp / Black Maiden 7 pts
10 untitled by Mentz / Tokyo Dawn Records 6 pts
10 untitled by Deviate / Black Maiden 6 pts
12 untitled by Anonymous / Kolor 5 pts

untitled by JAR / Guilty of Design

screenshot (14.49KB)