
1 Gefuehlskalt by Dipswitch / Aerosol ^ Blackmaiden 113 pts
2 evoke by ave / blackmaiden 112 pts
3 Advices by skizo / dbcdemo 103 pts
4 oNCE uPON a tIME oN eVOKE by h2o / arclite 58 pts
5 Evoke Cologne by zaner / blackmaiden 54 pts
6 Evoke 2005 by Desert / Dezign 53 pts
7 Robin Hood Of Ascii by Vouck, Cubon, Trash & Zack / Arid Weed 51 pts
8 Doenertasse by Elend 50 pts
9 tribe of evoke by DiamonDie 48 pts
10 Space Race by Kami 34 pts
11 sunintheglassgarden by Kempy / Aerosol 32 pts
12 Music for Nations by Yop / Shrimps Design 29 pts

oNCE uPON a tIME oN eVOKE by h2o / arclite
